Author: Mariano Marey

One of the Founders of were he works as a developer, and has been involved in IT since the days of the tiny 8-bits computers.

How Much Does It Cost to run a Website

Many clients are interested in knowing how much the maintenance costs of running a website. Free open source software has lowered the barrier of entry for new websites. Of course that will depend of many conditions,  from the speed and size to factor like traffic or other factors, However as a good starting point to know some of the running cost regarding online presence.

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Step to step guides for Installing Magento 2

With the release of Magento 2.0, many developers are comming to terms that is time to get a started with Magento2. As usuall we want to setup a box with Magento2 to start playing around a “perfect developer machine” with all required toolsets.

I was one of them, and I faced a lot of trouble while trying to just run Magento 2 on my machine. So today I am going to share with you all the post that help me to set up a perfect LAMP/LEMP (or WAMP for Windows users) environment on their machine. No matter what system you use you would find a dedicated post for your configuration, from LAMP, to Shared hostings, ans OSX machines.

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