With the release of Magento 2.0, many developers are comming to terms that is time to get a started with Magento2. As usuall we want to setup a box with Magento2 to start playing around a “perfect developer machine” with all required toolsets.
I was one of them, and I faced a lot of trouble while trying to just run Magento 2 on my machine. So today I am going to share with you all the post that help me to set up a perfect LAMP/LEMP (or WAMP for Windows users) environment on their machine. No matter what system you use you would find a dedicated post for your configuration, from LAMP, to Shared hostings, ans OSX machines.
My First step was to get the official Developer Documentation from Magento, the guide is a bit short on details and didn’t help me to run my box but was my starting point, well maybe the first one to mention.
Developer Documentation (2.0) Installation Overview
Since the trouble started I was looking for another guide that would be more robust and also Knowing my trouble to setup my box in the past I choose 2 guides. One would help me to setup my developer machine and later Install the Magento 2
How to setup LAMP/LEMP/WAMP for Magento 2
How to install Magento 2 on a Developer Machine
Some of you started using package managers and would like to get somenthingh easier, like using composer. But this guide is friendly enought for beginners.
Beginner’s Guide to Installing Magento 2 using Composer
As a extra I would trow one that may help you guys on OSX