Category: Software Development

What is it you need to make a qualitative difference in your business performance? Explore and learn to deliver better Software. Agile methods have proven their effectiveness, and are transforming the software industry. As Agile methods evolve and extend. We would like to share some tips and best practices in Software that can help fellow developers.

Raspberry Pi affordable educational computer for everyone

Probably it is one of this things a geeke want to have and it is too busy to play arround but I want one

The Raspberry Pi is a very small  computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It can be use for electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. And can be a good tool to learn programming.

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Converting PDF files with a free tool


I was getting crazy to convert pdf into images and html until i found this free tool.  I know there are millions of applications out there to do this and that the problem you can get crazy triyng to find one that actualy works.

The only problem is that it is a bit tricky to understand how to make it work but once you do you will love it.

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