From the beginning was set up as a social enterprise. Our projects are united by a common underlying idea, everything we do aims to empower people and help them realise their online aspirations.
This Blog is a way to share our way to do things with a broader audience and a chanel to talk with developers and clients.
If you have a related topic you want to know more contact us and we will be happy to posted. Also if you want to participate as an author you are more than welcome.
Sadly there aren’t that many payment methods that allow transactions from the backend of Magento. This is because in most cases this would require you to know the payment data of your client. But some time you want to create orders in the backend for the customers who would order by phone, come to the store to pick up the order and pay in cash.
Marcin Jakubowski dreams of living off the grid. Over the past few years, he’s been working on a set of 50 machines he believes necessary to found and sustain an independent, modern community. He wants to “take everything that civilization has learned to date” and use it create a blueprint for a “Global Village Construction Set” that others can use to follow in his footsteps. His Factor e Farm has already developed and built a tractor, brick press, table saw, and bread oven, as well as many other machines. The farm hopes to have the complete set of 50 ready in 2015.
At the beginning I was happy to see the new Shard building from our Kennington office at Open-ecommerce but in a sun day it is very difficult to survive….
We are proud to announce the launch of Inkavital website the e-commerce portal selling Maca and other completely natural products from Peru.
We have created a safe environment to buy and sell health products, while at the same time quickly managing up-to-date information regarding orders and customers.
Probably it is one of this things a geeke want to have and it is too busy to play arround but I want one
The Raspberry Pi is a very small computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It can be use for electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. And can be a good tool to learn programming.
If you have a decent PC probably the most convenient way to deploy a development environment is visualization. Vagrant and phphet make it very very easy.