From the beginning was set up as a social enterprise. Our projects are united by a common underlying idea, everything we do aims to empower people and help them realise their online aspirations.
This Blog is a way to share our way to do things with a broader audience and a chanel to talk with developers and clients.
If you have a related topic you want to know more contact us and we will be happy to posted. Also if you want to participate as an author you are more than welcome.
There are lots of information on the web about how to setup your company from advisors to gouvernamental websites. The old bussiness link website become the uk it is trying to make things even simpler.
After collecting the emails we recommend to use a service like MailChimp, you can use it for free with less of 500 subscribers, and after that you would have to look for the premium packages.
I was getting crazy to convert pdf into images and html until i found this free tool. I know there are millions of applications out there to do this and that the problem you can get crazy triyng to find one that actualy works.
The only problem is that it is a bit tricky to understand how to make it work but once you do you will love it.