Synergy is a little resident multiplatform application created by the genius of Nick Bolton if after you use it for a while you feel like contribute do so to:
Synergy is a little resident multiplatform application created by the genius of Nick Bolton if after you use it for a while you feel like contribute do so to:
In order to make it work you will nedd to install Synergy in the SERVER and the CLIENT this has nothing to do with your network. You are just telling which computer mouse and keybord you will be using.
The server will have the Keyword and the mouse.
Lest imagine you want to share SERVER the mouse and keybord of your windows to your ubuntu CLIENT.
- Install Synergy in the windows server:
- Install Synergy in the ubuntu client:
- Go to Ubuntu Software Center and search for synergy
Install first the synergy and then the quickSynergy.
The quickSynergy will give you an interface insted of type the client command in the terminal otherwise you can always create an /etc/synergy.conf file with the correct configuration folowing the synergy manual.
- Configure Synergy at the windows SERVER
- Run Synergy and select Share this computer’s keyboard and mouse (server) option
On the top create with the + 2 screens names one for your ubuntu and another for windows leve the options as they are and save.
To be sure that works use the computers names for the screens to get that
In ubuntu go to menu top right of the screen -> System Settings.. -> Details and you will see the Device name in my case is oeubuntu
In windows start -> right click in computer -> Properties and you will see the Computer name in my case poderosa
Now you have your 2 screens and you have to create the links select the [New Link] line in Links and at the bottom you will set the options:
Imagine you have your client at the left with the name oeubuntu in your table and the server at the right with the name poderosa.
You will create a link like that:
0 to 100% of the right of oeubuntu goes to 0 to 100% of poderosa (save it clicking the + )
and then
0 to 100% of the left of poderosa goes to 0 to 100% of oeubuntu (save it clicking the + )
what the porcentage it is saying it is what part of border the screen is the getaway for the mouse thats it.
so you are saying that to go from the ubuntu (left) to the windows (right) you want to use the right and the left side of the screen. (well no synergy dosn’t know where are the different clients you can have many in different places of your room)
- Configure the CLIENT with QuickSynergy
- Open QuickSynergy and select the Use tab
You will need to know the ip of the windows SERVER (or hostname) to get the internal ip of the SERVER go to the windows computer and open the terminal:
Start -> type cmd and enter.
on the terminal type ipconfig and check the the IPv4 Address this is your internal IP to use in Server hostname/IP address
On screen name you will put the name of your Ubuntu machine we have being using in my case oeubuntu (no the windows name!!!!)
- Make it work
- Ok everything it is ready for magic now just have to run both programs:
click execute in ubuntu and close the windows
click Start in windows and voila you can be the master of the enterprise in your own development enviroument.
You will notice that you don’t have any open applications on ubuntu or windows when you alt-tab but you can stop, see the logs, reload etc on the task icon close to the hour bought in windows and ubuntu.
The keyboard and mouse at the ubuntu machine will still working in case something goes wrong.
Nice coding….
Do you want to do it the other way arrownd with out using quickSynergy: